Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October 31st

I really thought I wasn't going to do Halloween this year. Not in a spiteful way, but just because its not big here in Norway and I wasn't in the spooky mood for it. I thought today would just be another day. You know, like October 30th, 31st, then comes November. Hah!

I woke up today super excited and it took me a second to figure out why. Today was a HOLIDAY! I looveee holidays. I'm one of those people that go all out. That sing Christmas carols while grocery shopping and love wrapping presents. Holiday themed candy? Forget about it, I keep stores in business. I woke up excited and then I panicked. I had not done a single Halloween typed thing yet. So naturally I devised a plan and set out to find a pumpkin first. Two hours later I came home with the biggest one they had left (it's tiny) and set to work.

eerie ghosts

RIP tombstones on the window

the pumpkin, with flowers for size!

my first time making a pumpkin cracked but whatever

a scary warning

homemade pizza dinner

the big picture

Lesson learned: dont try to skip holidays. its my thing.


  1. omg i love!!!! the boos and the tombstones, so appropriate. the pizza looks spooktacular. i failed. i watched loads of halloween special and feasted on candy but i didnt carve our pumpkin or decorate :( i seemed wrong to do it alone, but now i realize. what a mistake! lesson learned.

    1. We are the same person going through the same thing, just really far away. What did you watch?? We watched The Witches and have Hocus Pocus on download. Appropriate, no?
