Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Things I've learned thus far

  1. I have learned to really like chocolate (you're shocked, I know) and Norwegian chocolate is the bomb.
  2. I love love love riding bikes. 
  3. It's okay to not have direction- who you're lost with is far more important. 
  4. If the sun is out AT ALL, get your butt outside. The weather here is...cold.
  5. Be kind to people, even if they don't smile and knock into you. It's just a culture thing, aftterall.
  6. I have realized that the next time I move, I'm staying put. I've always loved the adventure aspect, but I think I love nesting more.
  7. Friends can make your life.
  8. Sometimes, in some places (here!), a pizza will cost fifty bucks annnd that's ok! When in Rome.
  9. Waiting until Sunday to grocery shop or buy a baby shower gift isn't going to work. Because nothing is open.
  10. I've learned that even after 24 years of being me, I'm still learning new things. And I'm so proud of that.

1 comment:

  1. 1 and 3 are my favorites!!! you've always been so adventurous and somehow managed to be so organized throughout it, I'm so jealous of that!!!
